The Laws of Spirit are familiar and similar to The Laws of Nature, Nature in ancient times was referred to as the NTR, Neter, the Higher Powers of the Universe and G.O.D. in biblical terms.
Nature is G.O.D. personified, dwindled into earthly charms whose dialect is abstract to be read, understood; Invincible to Human Luxuries... ~Nivedita Dutta
I am aware of the mind of a christian, I was raised as one as well as influenced by the ways of a Jehovah Witness. Therefore, I familiar and similar to those who call themselves children of G.O.D., which contrary to popular belief, WE ARE ALL CHILDREN OF G.O.D. whether we attend the building called church or not.
With this in mind, parents, I ask you if one of your children does not follow the ways of you do you say they are not yours. Now, I know some parents disown their children in various civilizations or cultures some may say but FACTUALLY, can you truly say they are not your child. By birth... rite and right, ALL YOUR CHILDREN ARE YOUR CHILDREN. Logically, this is the same way, a loving and jealous G.O.D. would think of his/her/its children (Since, some religions view their higher power as one or dual or even feminine).
This fact is familiar and similar to The Laws of Spirit...
With this scripture in mind, The Laws of Spirit and G.O.D. are one.
With this in mind, The Laws of Spirit and G.O.D. are one and Nature relates to the art or works of G.O.D.
What is the Art of G.O.D.?
According to the Britannica Encyclopedia, art is a visual (something seen) object or experienced (something felt or more) consciously created through the expression of skill.
What is skill?
The ability to carry out a task with determined results often within a given amount of time, energy, or both.
Actually and Factually, if Neter is Nature and Nature is the Art of G.O.D. and G.O.D. is Spirit... The Laws of Spirit is The Laws of Nature, Naturally!
With this in mind, what does this mean?
It means you have the character, attributes, elements and real time to be DIVINE!
You have the ability to naturally balance and elevate yourself (your being) consciously and influence or inspire those things around you (not control them but balance them; there is a difference in controlling and balancing) and the key is to begin with SELF.
What are some attributes of G.O.D. that are within SELF...
With these manners or attributes, beauty will flow from you in ways that are far from fashionable brands, makeup, or luxuries as stated earlier by Nivedita Dutta.
It is evident, that The Laws of Spirit can not be confided to one religion and similar to God's Essence or the Nature of G.O.D.
How does this MANifest or FEMMifest in US (United Spirits)?
It does so through our thoughts, movements, and actions.
As stated earlier, WE ARE ALL CHILDREN OF G.O.D. and WE ALL HAVE THE ABILITY TO REIGN in our visible selves (seen selves) or our experiences... Reflecting the NaTuRe of G.O.D.
How can Neter or NaTuRe or G.O.D. be one, influence or inspire?
Where does The Laws of Spirit appear?
When 'the wind' blows during a hot summer's day
When the earth shakes but makes a new land or space for US (United Spirits) to live or have moor opportunities
When our anger burns us but love and understanding cools us;
In moor words, when someone we love kills us with their manners but then brings us back to life with the reality that we are all different in the same way
When someone comes up to us that we haven't seen in awhile and reminds US (United Spirits) of our GOLDEN or GOALin self because we forgot from the weight of the world and our inner lower energies or biblically speaking, demons.
When we are cleansed from the muck and mire of the world or biblically speaking, when our 'sins' or ignorance is washed away

When the hummingbirds come to sing on your window pane (pain)
When you have given your all to and for so many people and in the end your are rewarded with all the peace and gratitude your heart and mind can hold
When you have had a day of unusual mishaps and while in your REM sleep (the deepest stage of sleep) you receive a dream of your call being answered from an ancestor or close relative that you turned to in the face of adversary or opposing energies such as your Grandmother or Great Uncle or Aunt that ensures you that she or he is there for you while in their sleep 'dead' realm.
When the field snake eat the mice that has been running around your house in the country or city (now a days)
When you find a ten dollar bill in your purse that you hid from yourself at the exact moment that you needed ten dollars
When your children come in your room early one day when you are too tired to get out of bed and tell you they cleaned their room, they made themselves breakfast and ask you would you like them to bring you your plate
When the fire warms your food, heat warms your home and a hug warms your body and heart
When you are asked to spend time with your elders, family, children, or even strangers that are in need of love and attention and you find it in your heart and day to do so
When you are racing for a cause with no feet or no legs
When someone works hard to bring harm to you being (life) or seeks to destroy your essence and ends up destroy themselves with hate and envy while your rest well
When you find it in your heart to do for others and make a difference
When you know you are not suppose to eat, behave or be among certain people because it or they are toxic and you find the strength to say NO to its/their tempting invitations
Now, these experiences may be far or near from home (your realm of existing) but all of US (United Spirits) should understand the visual (get the picture) and see how we can balance and elevate ourselves or how we can influence or inspire others to balance or elevate themselves and US (United Spirits) as a whole not a hole (a small or unpleasant place) with the understanding and appreciation of The Laws of Spirit.
The Laws of Spirit will justify the spiritual essence within when you testify the spiritual essence within...
The Neter, The NaTuRe, or The Art of G.O.D.
The Laws of Spirit is an interesting post. I see the relation and I understand where you are coming from. We don't realize how nature and God are one. I was raised as a Muslim and recently started exploring other spiritual practices not necessarily religious and it has been an eye opener. That is the truth no matter what as parents we can not claim one of our children and not all of them and that is a fact. I have ostracized by my family since I stop practicing Islam but I just want to explore more or seek more of myself. Each experience we have requires the nature of God within us. I will justify my spirituality overtime with constant testimony of the greatness of a higher power in me and outside of me.
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for sharing your inner most thoughts and feelings with US (United Spirits). It came from a place deep within, a spiritual place of justice where the opposing energies outside of my being appeared and united (ancestral) energies within gathered and balanced the forces and a testimony was birthed as The Laws of Spirit. It is surprising and puzzling how parents can disown or never speak to their child because they do not follow a religious thought. Spirit knows no division, it is not separate and it does not negate that from which it is naturally or gave birth to. That is the Laws of Man not The Laws of Nature, Neter, G.O.D., or Spirit. US as (United Spirits) must continue to justify The Laws of Spirit by testifying our spiritual potential and growth that reigns within and in the Lands. Ase'
DeleteThe Laws of Nature:
ReplyDeleteThis blog allows those with different religious backgrounds to express their inner spiritual guidance.
I personally believe that God and nature go hand and hand, for I believe all things were created by GOD a higher source.
He uses nature to teach us about him which draws us evermore closer to him.
The Laws of Nature replenishes itself as does the human body. Food continues to be produced because of the process of nature just as a wound heals because of the human cells makeup.
The Laws of Nature teaches us things that we can call a miracle or just narrow it down to the mighty hand of GOD !!.
To briefly comment on the disowning facotor.
That's a subject that can be discussed for hours. It differs per household, individuals or religious organizations.
Just one TRUE: ONE of the sons of GOD had to DISMISSED because of the choices he has made and continues to make.
So was that dismissal/disowning choice right or wrong?! Well be brave enough to answer that question. Enough said for now on that subject
I also pull from this the power of RESPECT,the art of treating people the way we want to be treated not because they ask for it but because it's just the right thing to do.
We do things for our friends, family, strangers just beacause it can make their day, bring a smile on their face or a chherful tear in their eyes.
Just yesterday I was visiting a friend in the hospital with pneumonia and as I was leaving a woman asked me was I a minister probably because I just left my place of worship and dressed cleaner than the board of health :). But she said that her 88 yr old mom was about to have her toes cut off and she was in a bad place mentally and emotinally. I visited her and she was smiling as i continued to comfort her and after shedding a joyful tear she waved by as I began to leave.
I did this not because I had to I did it because I needed to, I wanted to because of Love for fellowman/woman.
To keep this short.
Whether we are moved by the Laws of Nature or by that HIGHER Source continue to GROW, MOTIVATE, THINK, SMILE, EDUCATE, ADAPT and LOVE one another.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts, feelings, opinions, and facts on this matter. It matters! Yes, this is a B.L.O.G. for EVERYONE, ANYONE, and/or NO ONE's religious thought, spiritual practice, or views. However, THIS IS NOT A B.L.O.G. to fear people from speaking or make people ashamed to speak. Here, US (United Spirits) all have space, opportunity, and respect to speak FREELY and at their own will and accordance. Now, in agreement with you, G.O.D. and Nature are one. However, I can not agree with you that a Higher Power or Source is He, when there is no life of birth rather without the Mother, Woman, She. If any thought is close to truth; a Higher Power with reason shall be dual, balanced, and/or unified. All physical matters begin with spirit. Therefore, it is unreasonable for a Higher Power to be male only when in matter, the woman matters. As far as disowning, I am not convinced because you state 'He' had to disown one of 'his' sons. That was a choice as any and every parent has the power or choice to make; but, the fact still remains the same that Cain and Abel were 'his' sons and you said it as well and I quote, "Just one TRUE: ONE of the sons of GOD had to DISMISSED because of the choices he has made and continues to make."
DeleteThat was divine that you were in the right place, and found it in your heart to do the right thing at the right time many people are not willing to move with spirit or let spirit guide them... Respect and Love to you for that Respect and Love. If moor people followed their heart and mind and let spirit them we would all be in a different state from the President or Highest political power down to the homeless. Our world lives fast and demands fast results and the spirit does not work in the manner, thus, GMO products, chemically enhanced pharmaceuticals, or surgerical prodecures by man's hand and not nature's own and best, etc. Again, thank you for sharing so passionately and openly... until we meet again... Peace in Spirit and Love in Life
First and foremost I appreciate your ideas on life's beginning but I strongly live by the Phrase. THE ALPHA and OMEGA meaning the Beginning and the End.
ReplyDeleteFACTS, OPINIONS, IDEAS, and PRINCIPLES all play a facotor whether to accept the fact whether it's a HE or SHE that is the original being. IT can be argued that Mother Nature or GOD causes things to come into existence.
You speak of being influenced by the ways of Christian and some knowledge from your grandmother who was a Jehovah Witness. Well research from several Biblical passages mention GOD as being a "HE" but that's neither here nor there nor is it meant to convert anyone's belief but to show that their is a higher source that causes things to become and uses nature to make things happen on a continous cycle.
ON another note with this disowning matter, it still boils down to the person's view point.
A simple saying is that a "rotten apple can spoil the whole bunch" which is true and that has nothing to do with a religous preference.
If someone is damaging your house would you allow thst person to dwell there or would you remove them.
In like matter your body is your house and your brains is the foundations, therefore would we allow something or someone to damage our minds or get rid of it.
Not everyone is going to do right HISTORY HAS PROVEN THAT!!!
Unless we dwell more on the POSITIVE things in this life the NEGATIVE things will take priority.
STAY FOCUS, STAY STRONG and continue to MODEL the U.S. United Spirits that mold your actions daily.
I leave you in PEACE !!!!!!
With all due respect, I come in Peace and Love... I am not clear on why you think I am not in agreement with 'the phrase' the Alpha and the Omega... the beginning and the end. Now, if you are stating that this 'phrase' only applies to your God then we might have a misunderstanding. Also, I never stated anything regarding my Grandmother and I prefer you not to speak of them as if you know them, since you choose to comment in hiding or unknown in this B.L.O.G., WITH ALL DUE RESPECT, of the passing or of the physically deceased... my ancestors.
DeleteMy direct statement was, "I am aware of the mind of a christian, I was raised as one as well as influenced by the ways of a Jehovah Witness. Therefore, I familiar and similar to those who call themselves children of G.O.D., which contrary to popular belief, WE ARE ALL CHILDREN OF G.O.D. whether we attend the building called church or not."
However, needless to say, my influence of Christians and Jehovah Witnesses has no relation to my current thoughts, both inspirational beings who carried these faiths in their hearts simply gave me the insight to see where or how someone of the Christian or Jehovah Witness Faith may see or comprehend my statements or views. In particular, those who provided those influences gave me love, respect and honor of and for myself which in return, I give no matter the religious thought or practice one lives by or adheres to. As far as, 'He' in biblical terms, you are correct. However, it is important to note,'in biblical' terms but in Nature it has not been made possible to give birth from a male principle... is all I'm honoring! On the note of disowning, AGAIN, it is the choice of a parent to disown their child. However, AGAIN, fact still remains that, that parent and any other parent can not say their child is not theirs whether they remove their child(ren) from their home, sight, or mind or not. Peace be unto you... Author Unknown
Just to set matters straight you spoke of your grandmother as being JW in your blog about OMNIPRESENCE. That's why she was mentioned, not to disrespect in any manner.
DeleteHi Oni the Vondrae from the bus stop
ReplyDeleteYes Love... traveling with you and your friend was a divine moment in time and I am most gracious and humble for you being a person of your word... a quality such as that is rare these days... Until we meet again... it is Oni Abeni... Peace in Spirit and Love in Life... MANY Blessings
DeleteI haven't forgot about you, I'm just going thru this thing with my mom cancer and trying to get my soul and spirit in order before I get closer to cuz you are light years ahead of me conciously lol, I use my third eye and have a deep awareness of God but I'm trying to transition my way out of street S#@# ... But I really would like to talk to you four hours and get to know you more.... This is from the heart.... You energy is magnetic lol... Anyway I'm talking to much .. peace queen
DeleteI love your level of consciousness and spiritual awareness
ReplyDeleteAgain, I am Humble and Honored to you for doing what you said you would... that level of consciousness is rare and your spiritual awareness must be in alignment in some way for you to come and share even a small piece (peace) of yourself... MANY Thanks and hopefully, you will be present for it all and comment and share as your heart desires... you are most welcome to... Peace in Spirit and Love in Life