In order to form Spirit, From Spirit... From the ancient, origin, or initial STATE of Being....
The Spirit!
The OUTcome is Miraculous, Magical, and Meaningful when it is FROM SPIRIT
A Spiritual Problem may arise or appear which means there is a misunderstanding with/in spirit or an imbalance with/in spirit. However, there are NO Chemical Solutions that will make the PROBLEM stand down and disappear. Rather, there are ALCHEMICAL FORMULAS that will bring understanding, balance, and/or alignment.
What is a Chemical, a compound or substance that has been purified or prepared ESPECIALLY ARTIFICIALLY.
Especially Artificially is where US as United Spirit must return to Spiritual, Natural, Gifts of Divinity (Neter, NaTuRE, G.O.D.) for ALCHEMICAL FORMULAS for SPIRITUAL PROBLEMS.
What is Alchemy?
This DIFFERENT PLACE is SPIRIT not from the words or actions of another but from Y.O.U. and what you choose in
What is BESt for your Temple, which includes: the mind, the body, the soul... The SPIRIT!
When FORMING SPIRIT, the artifical parts are not needed, the base metals or 'mentals' rather are needed to transmute or transform those base (low) metals (MENTALS) into golds (GOALS) to reach a HIGHER state of being...
Words, Vibrations, NaTuRe and Foods are the originals ways our ancient ones RETURNed to SPIRIT and FORMed SPIRIT, From SPIRIT
In the beginning was the word...
Your body will glow with health, your very bones will VIBRATE with LIFE!
PROverbs 3:8
Alchemy's GOAL is to purify, mature, and perfect certain objects (those base or low quality metals (MENTALS), thoughts, patterns, or routines.
Blessings, Oni Abeni, this is an interesting B.L.O.G. I see the connection and I agree with you, when forming spirit, honoring thyspirit is in order. You are so very true that our words, vibrations, nature and the foods we eat are basic or original ways that our Foremothers and Forefathers recognized and gave MUCH respect to when needing spirit to rise within themselves. The link that you shared was to an author's publication page that I am familiar with. I meet him via social media and I have become fond of his work, however, his latest publication 'A T.H.U.G named Jesus' has been a hard pill to swallow but it is TRUTH in another way and I am doing my best to continue reading with an open mind and willing heart.
ReplyDeleteAs far as, the selection 'The Alchemy of Words' I think it fits your Forming Spirit, From Spirit well. As you stated, it is base metals (MENTALS) mind, thoughts, patterns, etc. that we need to form from spirit to honor the divine gifts within.
The scriptures you shared were perfect for the 'FORM'. Proverbs 3:8 and Eccles. 38:4 are known and appreciated scriptures in my life and have formed my spirit for years since I stopped using pharmaceuticals (chemicals) for my ailmemts 5 years ago. I really appreciate the spiritual word of this day. I enjoyed it most Oni Abeni, thanks for sharing... this is and was GOLDEN... Amen
First and ForeMOST... I am honored and humble for your reply, response, LOVE and INsight. This publication has been on my mind for the last few days. It has brought calm and stormy (chaotic) energy that has ironically and ultimately created order. It is/was my spiritual intent to return and present a moor natural FORM or state of being which is a direct reflection of the words, vibration, NaTuRe, and foods we use, surround ourselves with, embrace, or digest that comes FROM 'deep within' our SPIRIT.
DeleteI figured the added quotes and scriptures as 'perfect objects' that brought a miraculous, magical, and meaningful form, from spirit. PROverbs has and always will be a PROfound book to travel to and through to FORM SPIRIT, FROM SPIRIT.
As far as the book and author shared in this B.L.O.G. we met in a FORMer life, while I was exploring an aspiration in acting, on a independent film set credited as 'Makeda's Nido'. It was during this moment we became acquainted with each others work or art of words and I found him to be a PROfound writer. It was soon after this moment that he and I began to work together in the realm of authorship. His writings are non conforming but very transFORMing for the spirit. Hopefully, people will begin and/or continue to acknowledge the statement he has or is presenting in his authorship. It may be hard to swallow but it is delicate, well served and digestible for the famished and the wealthy in thine eyes.
Forward movement, congratulations on FORMING SPIRIT, FROM SPIRIT... starting with the basics or some of the original ways of forming spirit... 5 years is longer than we think in the BESt regards for our health. Keep on moving... Alchemy over Chemicals... these are very similiar processes but the OUTcome is very different and the INcome is as well... in an Alchemical process, what will begin to come OUT of your mind, body, soul and SPIRIT will show yourself approved rightly dividing the 'wills'of the world. Likewise, what you will begin to only let come IN your mind, body, soul, and SPIRIT will show yourself approved as a divine being filled with LOVE and Peace... Thanks again for sharing SpiritofGod... May thy Spirit continue to form from Spirit and remain DIVINE... Amen and Awomen... Peace and GOoD Health... ALL WAYS
Greetings This is a very insightful and informative conversation that should resinate deep within us. Since we use our words so much, careful consideration must be on the forfront of our consciousness for we do create with our words. And Alchemy being being a spiritual science can be a powerful process in reaching higher results for our words along with anything else that one wants to raise to it’s highest quality. Give thanks for the plug and thanks to the all that support. Keep following the Ancestors peace and love
ReplyDeleteYou are most welcome... KTL... giving credit where credit is due as well as loving and supporting the art of Authorship. This B.L.O.G. is for us (United Spirits) and it is a pleasure to unite with a higher spiritual purpose and form lasting relationship built on insightful and powerful words, conversations, and actions... May all be well in your spiritual journey... Ase'