Sunday, February 2, 2020


Let there be Light... A Guiding Light... for the dark ages of our spirits. It brings my spirit great wealth and health to present to ALL the LIGHT and LOVE my heart and mind has been gifted with by the Most Highest divine innerG (Inner 
God/ddess). In the image and likeness of the Most High I come in Peace with Purpose. 

Let Spirit Reign: A Spiritual Affirmation Guide for Guardians 

Gifts of Divinity: A Spiritual Rite of Passage for the Suns and Moons

Let Spirit Reign: A Child's Guiding Light for the twinkling little Stars

All inquiries please email 

Divine Light, Love and Longevity shall not break thy pocket but make thy spirit rich.
Divine Light, Love and Longevity shall not destroy thy account but bank on our spirit.
Divine Light, Love, and Longevity shall be Divine Light, Love and Longevity... Bless it be

Each person we encounter demands a different kind of US (United Spirits) and we must be think, feel and act OUTside of the BOX to address them... US accordingly. 
We have so many energies in our GENES
Be natural... Be Y.O.U. (Your Own Uniqueness)  in every way... any way... ALL WAYS... ALWAYS!

Let Spirit Reign,
Oni Abeni