Sunday, December 30, 2018

Prepare for yOUR Spiritual Purpose

As most of the world prepares for their resolutions and embark on another yearly journey. One should remember SPIRIT and prepare for their Spiritual purpose(s). 

Many people state they are going to go to church more, read the bible, and give more to charitable causes and these resolutions have purpose but they are not SOUL(ly) or SOLE(ly) your purpose. However, the essence of spirit does not belong to a religion and it is ignorant or a sin to deem one unworthy of God's purpose in themselves because they do not follow a certain religion. 

It is spirit that saves you not a building or a religion. 

For those who are devout Christians or of any other PARTicular religious sect please do not mistake my words for blasphemy. 

I emphasized part because there is no one way to reach yOUR Spiritual Highest; that is the illusion of religion and it divides the message that is seeking to reach and feed the WHOLE (body of people)

These wholistic thoughts are SOUL(ly) and SOLE(ly) my strong position from my spirit's journey and experience. I was raised in the church and I hold steadfast to the principles that were passed down to and through me. However, if I could not read or comprehend the scriptures of the bible (which, I was not able to until a certain age) it is my Grandmother and other followers of the church that I remember.  Their loving energy and unfiltered and willing acts of sincerity that surround my being and remain in my spirit throughout my earthly journey. 

No ONE or THING can take those moments of LOVE and LIGHT away and that is a Spiritual Purpose that outlives the pages of any religious book... Spiritually Speaking

Now, to address the form of preparation that can possibly provide an answer to the following questions and concerns (quoted above)

A form is a design and by design we were made or created for a purpose. 

Although that purpose may not be known at birth. It was in ancient times, thus, the reason for arranged marriages or holy unions, naming ceremonies, and birthing rituals. Birth or Life was not viewed as overwhelming and/or overbearing. Hence, the message: 'be fruitful and multiply'. Now, babies are born without a notion or knowing their purpose and for that reason; there are lost souls and seeking spirits. 

Life is sometimes complicated depending on the PREPARATION of yOUR guardians (parents/creators). Therefore, it is imperative that we seek a form of preparation to actualize OUR Spiritual Purpose. 

Since these questions, to some people, are our bases for living, a form of preparation shall be desired and is definitely needed to reach your Spiritual Purpose. 

How can I find my purpose in life?

A form of preparation to finding your purpose in life is to remember your past, ask your parents what do they remember most about you growing up. What were your likes and dislikes? Did you seem less interest in the world and in your own world? Do they remember some things from the carrying process of your being? Was your Mother ill or willed when you were growing inside of her. 

All of these questions and more will guide you to your purpose. 

I know many may disagree with astrology but contrary to popular belief, we have been guided by the sky and stars for a long time even in biblical times. For example, the three wise men and their travels to baby Jesus, Isa, or Yashua (either name is referring to the same entity or spirit). Once, you have reached a level of confidence in your birth and life, begin to design a purpose around your findings.

What is my purpose in life?

Whether you agree or disagree with this statement, we shall admit there is truth in it; it may not be absolute truth but it is truth. 

On another thought, Haru Hotep, of The Journey Home Group stated in one of his PROfound lectures that your purpose in life is to perfect your genealogy. I soul(ly) and spiritually abSOULutely agree. It is this understanding and form that can prepare US (United Spirits) all. If we are preparing for GREATNESS in the HIGHEST version of ourselves, yOUR Spiritual Purpose will be fulfilled. 

Our genes or DNA structure or destruction is where we shall begin to shed light on and shine.
Our genetics or family trees may be in need of remembering and replanting for our Spiritual purpose.

How can I gain access to my spiritual nature?

yOUR Spiritual Nature relates to yOUR natural self which, is unique to each being and is a form of art in itself. 

What is Art?

Art is the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form...

yOUR visual form of yOURself requires application of skills this is a form of preparation. In moor words, actively applying yOUR skills to create yOUR IMAGE or imagination is a way to gain yOUR spiritual nature 

Ask yourself, what do I think of most?; what do you think of when you rise?; what do you think of in your free time (that is not forced or obligated) and there lies your natural self. The true nature of yOURself is in the wisdom or lack thereof while in the presence of none.

How can I discover why I am in the world and what I am here to do?

Once again to discover anything about your reason(s) for being or living is in your live strands of DNA; your genetics. We can find power and most of all SPIRITUAL PURPOSE in our genes. What our Grandmothers, Grandfathers and beyond did provides US (United Spirits) with PURPOSE that is HIGHLY Spiritual and connects US (United Spirits) to our deepest inner being or existence. 

The questions people ask themselves and others to find their purpose may not be simply answered. However, the form of preparation for yOUR Spiritual Purpose simply requires a call to yOUR family tree. Among your family is where you shall sit and harvest the memories of yOUR genealogy  

Sunday, December 23, 2018

A Spiritual Omnipresence

Has anyone ever said to you, "You have the kind of spirit that is present in everything and everywhere?"

You have a spiritual omnipresence and it comes natural when you reach back to your natural ways of living and dying; rising and passing.

Spiritual Omnipresence, Oni Abeni says, is possessing a spiritual essence in all that you do. You approach and proceed with the essence of yOUR 
(Gifts Of Divinity)

Spiritual Omnipresence is the ability and focus to spiritually exist in all worlds, open to the ways of the world but not bonded or blinded to them. You are able (ability) to be elsewhere when needed and the focus to arrive there... You are present in all and thankful for all because you continue to do what is asked of you by NaTuRe regarding yOUR spiritual needs (healing, refreshing, and replenishing  NaTuRe with nature and its properties)

Here is an account of an essence or entity that is Spiritually Omnipresent...

As I entered the travel center station, there were Jehovah's Witnesses. My thoughts drew near my Grandmother immediately, who practiced the Faith of Jehovah Witnesses. With my Grandmother in heart and mind now, I signed for a few pamphlets or watchtowers. My Grandmother was a devout Witness. Neither here nor there, soon after, an older man approached me and asked me what religion was I. I said, I am no religion I live by the natural ways of Spirit; NaTuRe laws. I told him of my Grandmothers' religions, Jehovah Witness and Church of Christ. He said, oh cause you wrapped up. I said, I am one of peace. He said, he hadn't seen his Grandma since he was in the 6th grade. However, he had seen her when some men came into his home to rob him and he prayed or talked to his Grandma and she appeared. Another time, some men left him for dead, He said, his Grandmother appeared then as well. At that moment, the thought that came to me was in relation to the essence of GRANDMOTHERS being Spiritually Omnipresent.

Now some may disagree with Spiritual Omnipresence because in their minds it takes from their image of GOD. I remind them that I, too and Y.O.U. (Your Own Uniqueness) were made in his image and likeness. If GOD is omnipresent. Why would we not possess this quality in some form or fashion?

Since, there is no thing new under the sun, the essence of any entity is in some-womb (one) or thing else. 

So, in fact, we are Spiritually Omni'present', a Gift of Divinity!

Sunday, December 16, 2018

Invest in Spirit

Invest-means has greater value and worth in the SPIRIT WORLD....


Faith is not SOULy a religious based word. 
A meaning is given in a the bible for those who practice the religion called Christianity but it's SOUL definition is not confide to the pages of the bible. 

Although, it is a part of the BASIC INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE LEAVING EARTH basically stating the Basic Instructions while LIVING on EARTH, it has meaning in other walks of life. Therefore, if investing in Spirit includes Faith, it is deeper or more ancient than religion. Faith speaks to the spirit and how US (United Spirits) as Spiritual beings shall proceed in an EARTHLY fashion (literally and figuratively)

FAITH without WORKS is DEAD... If you grew up in the church. Then GREW UP, you are familiar with the scripture concerning FAITH and WORKS... I say... THEN, GREW UP not that we GREW OUT of the bible we literally GREW UP... OUT of the bible. Some of US (United Spirits) have the soul of Nat Turner and not the way many may think of Nat Turner. YES! Nat Turner started a Revolution that in result killed a lot of white people. He was never meant to be portrayed as a killer but one who wanted life to the point he (as many others) were willing to die. He was the most devoted profound Preacher Christianity could ever have had. He delivered a message that GREW OUT of the bible but GREW UP the souls and SPIRITS of the people it was purposely meaning to oppress. It wasn't until he GREW UP from OUT of the bible that he was set free and many other people as well. Freedom comes in many ways. In many accounts (many stories), freedom is in death and revive through works. The works of Nat Turner and his love and understanding of the bible and the Faith in the words of that book that he shared with so many people will never be forgotten. Even though it is written as a monstrosity for many, it is written as an honor to others. Knowing the Faith of Nat Turner is an INVESTMENT in SPIRIT.

Now, back to FAITH without WORKS is DEAD...

The body of many 'slaves' (I do not use that terms to define people but rather to save time and not develop another conversation) was without SPIRIT until the deeper meaning of the scripture was given by Nat Turner. He gave many people a sense of pride, an understanding to this book that for so long dim them as even human beings let alone a Spiritual being; thus, a connection to a higher power that was taken from the minds, hearts, souls and spirits of African people and others. The slave trade saw many people of many colors so this is not to belittle the trading of many other people's minds, bodies, souls and spirits. This is simply to state that without FAITH (the ability to F.L.Y. (first love yourself) without WORKS (purpose, goals, and movement) is DEAD!

The time it takes to INVEST in SPIRIT is priceless and worth it... 

It is in SPIRITUAL PRACTICES that cost US (United Spirits) no thing but time. 

I do not represent SageGoddess but I am a follower
 of some of their messages (this prayer particularly)

Many may think you need funds to INVEST in SPIRIT but Spirit is in Nature

We can GROW UP any herb 

We may need to cleanse, purify and open our Spiritual GUIDES. 

There are CRYSTALS within the EARTH's fertile grounds that can amplify our guidance. 

There are words (affirmations) that can become memory to rid or free US (United Spirits) of misinnerstandings (misunderstandings) that are the core of spiritual drainage.  

It is time that we need the most to INVEST in SPIRIT and FAITHFUL adhere to WORKS!