Sunday, June 7, 2020

Fair-Well Spirit

THANK YOU... ALL for allowing space, time, insight and divine innerG (energy) to share such a personal and spiritual journey with ANYONE and EVERYONE... I say THANK YOU in love, peace, gratitude, and unity... Ase'

As I embark on another peace of I journey, I ask ALL be with I. May I ENLIGHTENED peace of I spiritual journey come from all of the above... from the Most Highest innerG (energy) withIN and OUT... Ase'

In any moment that I become fearful, which includes all oppositions or opposing forces and energies, on I ENLIGHTENED peace of I spiritual journey, I ask for the wisdom of I Spirit Guides, Ancestors, and to re-member the wise words of my Elders from far and near. I ask all of the above to walk with I, piece I peace of ENLIGHTENMENT with one divine inner moment at a time... Ase'

I ENLIGHTENED phase and journey of I peace is for I and I, Y.O.U. (Your Unique Self) and me... US, United Spirits!

May each of US, United Spirits, re-member all of the above! All that came before US that travel with US on our highest endeavors and success... Ase'

Our ancestors are not ghosts or someone/thing in the past... they are deep down in our being and gives US strength in being... all of the above within and Moor... Ase' 

May we call on our ancestors in our time of need, in our time of desire. May we heed their call as well... instructing US to rise to any occassion withIN... Ase'

With a FAIR and WELL Spirit, may we re-member what we have been gifted and what we STAND to be gifted, if we STAND in our RITE and FULL SELF... Ase'

A FAIR and WELL Spirit shall we become in this time of crISIS and in this space of uncertainty... Ase'

A FAIR and WELL Spirit, I see for (I and I) Y.O.U. and me... Ase'

A FAIR and WELL Spirit, I ask for as I embark on  an ENLIGHTENED phase and journey with and for SELF and KIND... May I be kind to I SELF... Ase'

May I FAIR and WELL Spirit be patient and grateful on I ENLIGHTENED phase and journey... Ase'

All these things I pray and meditate on in SPIRIT and in TRUTH... THANK YOU! 

Sincerely and Genuinely, 
Oni Abeni
'A FAIR and WELL Spirit'

Sunday, May 3, 2020

Does Matter Matter?

Does Matter... MATTER?

Yes, however, we are confident in G.O.D.,
the Gift Of Divinity for planting US (United Spirits) with SOULS (soils) that are firmly rooted in GOD-confidence when this MATTER matters no more.

May this 'May' bring peace and wellness to ALL with respect of ALL Matters...

At this time in time, we are losing many 'matters' but let's not lose what truly matters... our minds, our souls and our responsibilities to each of the two on this spiritual journey, as well as our bodies... they matter!
In respect to 'ashes to ashes dust to dust'
It is our bodies that houses ALL and
it must MATTER!

NOW, to be present with the Lord... The Most High, the Creator, the supreme being(s), and many many other titles or names... is to be in spirit!

To be present in SPIRIT is to be mindful of ALL that dwells the lands and the waters, to acknowledge, respect and honor ALL that which MATTERS.

God-Confidence is real!

Let's have God-Confidence...

Confidence in our ability to be anointed!
Confident that we matter, not only as matter but in SPIRIT and Truth.

Sunday, April 5, 2020

The SIGNS Language

The signs of this time, are speaking to US (United Spirits) in its most natural form... in the NaTuRe of things and in the NaTuRe of people.

Our Mother Earth is speaking to US directly and assertively. 

The inhabitants of this land must remember Mother Earth and all her beautiful, sacred and pure energy that lives in US all.

During the time of crISIS, a moment in time where we shall remember one of our ancient storytimes including Isis, Osirius, and Set.

Remember the time, when we (Women Especially) in a crISIS, pieced it all together...

created the first Mummy (Osiris) and then brought forth a new Sun... a new Horizon...

Horus, to avenge the wrongful actions of SETting with Jealousy, Envy, Greed, and much lesser energies.

We shall soon receive a new day, a new horizon to avenge the wrongful actions or unjust actions of the past to birth a new energy

Do not let this time, raise your lower self... stay strong... stay focused! 

Rise to the Guides!

The Spirit Guides!

Show and prove your loyalty, compassion, and respect to those who have made all efforts to show and prove to you as well.

The value of one's life is much to consider while these STATES of emergency overflow into our homes, our children, our elders, our  our communities, our minds, our hearts, our wallets, our bodies and other areas of our existence and environment.

The signs of this time is a language in itself and if we shall close our mouths, open our eyes and ears to see and listen closely and clearly; we can interpret the language of NaTuRe.

At this time, remember cleanliness is next to godliness, PLEASE take your time and get closer to G.O.D.

At this time, we shall remember, in the most complex and simpliest meaning of remember...

Remember, as it relates to recalling a memory.

Re as a prefix -again and again. Member again... become apart of the Natural order of things and Mother Earth's longing to live in harmony and strength with US (United Spirits)

Re as another prefix - backwards such as to go back and fetch as in the KiSwahili term Sankofa... Go Back!

In this crISIS, we shall re-member our bodies and the natural ways to keep it in peace (calm and collective) and not in pieces... (broken and unholy-not whole or not sacred). We shall re-member the whole self and how to maintain its balanced health and wellness.

We shall re-member the compassion we are given in this very moment to have the will and power including the purpose to be here on Earth at this time for a reason in this season.

What are you doing to save our Mother, what are you doing to save you for our Mother, what are you doing toward and forward to your purpose, what are your visions now that it is 2020 and things are not so clear on the surface of our Mother Earth???

Remember! The SIGNS of the times are a Language in themselves but it takes time, silence, and an open mind to interpret the Language of the SIGNS!

If you are seeking your truth, purpose, as well as your power. These can guide you...

Sacred Spirit Readings and Conversations are all welcome at or by call request

Sunday, March 1, 2020

Garden yOUR Spirit

How do I maintain a spiritual balance while maintaining and earthly existence and balance? GARDEN YOUR SPIRIT!

Water your spirit with divine inspirations, vibrations, and meditations/prayers. Inspiration is breath, BREATHE! Vibration is in some form sound or movement. Meditation is in some form silence with an attentive ear and eye. 
Each may be easy to do, however, all takes time to do well and be well in and after the experience. 
Give your spirit light and lighten your spirit with understanding and peaceful guidance. Moorover, we must remember in a form light there is chaos. Be prepared for spiritual warfare that may not be fair. Some people or dormant energies of disagreeable, negative and opposing nature may not want your spirit to be light or lightened... So, have some soil; a SOuL; foundation and be rooted in spirit. Be firm in peace, purpose and power.

Prayer, Affirmation and Meditative Guidance
Garden my spirit with G.O.D.; Gifts Of Divinity from water, light, SOuL. Provide time and space to grow my spirit in divinity. Breathe... Silence my mind to hear and see no thing in my way and all things clearly... Vibrate higher and move accordingly. Stay UPright in my peace, purpose and power. Be light, enlightened, lightened.

Meditation Garden
Prepare a garden where you can go for your spirit to grow... each garden will not be the same for no one spirit is the same. 

My meditation garden is planted in sand, a part of nature that lives closest to water and water reminds me to keep flowing with the waves of time and ripples in space. 

There is more inspiration, vibration, meditation and prayer as well as affirmation in the following... 

Get your free Guide now... 
Guardians, Rising Ones, Suns and Stars

Sunday, February 2, 2020


Let there be Light... A Guiding Light... for the dark ages of our spirits. It brings my spirit great wealth and health to present to ALL the LIGHT and LOVE my heart and mind has been gifted with by the Most Highest divine innerG (Inner 
God/ddess). In the image and likeness of the Most High I come in Peace with Purpose. 

Let Spirit Reign: A Spiritual Affirmation Guide for Guardians 

Gifts of Divinity: A Spiritual Rite of Passage for the Suns and Moons

Let Spirit Reign: A Child's Guiding Light for the twinkling little Stars

All inquiries please email 

Divine Light, Love and Longevity shall not break thy pocket but make thy spirit rich.
Divine Light, Love and Longevity shall not destroy thy account but bank on our spirit.
Divine Light, Love, and Longevity shall be Divine Light, Love and Longevity... Bless it be

Each person we encounter demands a different kind of US (United Spirits) and we must be think, feel and act OUTside of the BOX to address them... US accordingly. 
We have so many energies in our GENES
Be natural... Be Y.O.U. (Your Own Uniqueness)  in every way... any way... ALL WAYS... ALWAYS!

Let Spirit Reign,
Oni Abeni

Sunday, January 5, 2020

Great Return... Let's Vibe...

Great Return! 

Let's Vibe... 

In the vibration, frequency and energy of the Divine Womb-ful Spirits...
India Arie and Melissa Bell!
"This is what happens when young people talk to old people... it will help their people all around..." tHEiR lyrics inspired my spirit self to want moor. It inspired my spirit self to keep on moving... 

I must remind my people that being spiritual does not keep you from being human; it reminds you are human but spirit reigns, whether it is an agreeable or disagreeable spirit. It is spirit that guides you!
We must seek the guidance of our higher selves in all things. If and/or when we stray... RETURN... come back... make a Sankofa move! Sankofa is a term that means to go back or fetch, return in the Twi language.
Sankofa Movement is DIVINE!

Although time passes; spirit knows no time zones. My prayer and meditative stand is that this message reaches you where ever, however, and whenever!

I present to you a sacred trinity, a spiritual three way bridge to stay above the waves of this world while still being in the current and together as a unit. This sacred (unity) trinity is for the whole family to embark on a spiritual journey together or embrace and face self with self. It includes Let Spirit Reign for the EVERYDAY people (Parents), Gifts of Divinity (a Rite of Passage for the younger adult generation) and Let Spirit Reign (a child's guilding light, a peace (piece) of soul (soil) for our seeds

Let Spirit Reign: A Child's Guilding Light is coming soon...
Receive your Sacred Trinity... your Gifts of Divinity and Let Spirit Reign... EMAIL for your FREE guides!

A Prayerful and Meditative Spirit is what awaits Y.O.U. (your own uniqueness) and US (united spirits)
NaTuRe come to me.
Flow through me, Water, flow through me
NaTuRe reveal yourself in ALL things
Show me the BESt, Bast, the protective and flourishing innerG (energy) within.
MINEralS remember me
Bones remember me
The original me...
Shed light on the formation in me to remember my natural self, my NaTuRe, my NTR, my GOD, my Gifts of Divinity.
I desire and strongly seek to burn the bridges that do not lead me to my destiny.
I have a choice but I must choose wisely...
May the Fire within bring a tranforming innerG (energy) same as the Phoenix, the Bennu Bird.
Burn Bey Burn!
May the eARTh, the flesh of the world shape EVERYBODY's body as the clay fashioner, with a precise, passionate, perfect and powerful form to withstand ALL that stand in opposition.
Divine cosmic wheel and will of elements, I ask that you will continue to guide my mind, heart and steps in light with love through these divine elements of being: NaTuRe, Water, Mineral, Fire and Earth. I respect and honor your essence.
This is my prayer and I shall walk UPright while I meditate... 

Ase' (so be it)