Sunday, January 5, 2020

Great Return... Let's Vibe...

Great Return! 

Let's Vibe... 

In the vibration, frequency and energy of the Divine Womb-ful Spirits...
India Arie and Melissa Bell!
"This is what happens when young people talk to old people... it will help their people all around..." tHEiR lyrics inspired my spirit self to want moor. It inspired my spirit self to keep on moving... 

I must remind my people that being spiritual does not keep you from being human; it reminds you are human but spirit reigns, whether it is an agreeable or disagreeable spirit. It is spirit that guides you!
We must seek the guidance of our higher selves in all things. If and/or when we stray... RETURN... come back... make a Sankofa move! Sankofa is a term that means to go back or fetch, return in the Twi language.
Sankofa Movement is DIVINE!

Although time passes; spirit knows no time zones. My prayer and meditative stand is that this message reaches you where ever, however, and whenever!

I present to you a sacred trinity, a spiritual three way bridge to stay above the waves of this world while still being in the current and together as a unit. This sacred (unity) trinity is for the whole family to embark on a spiritual journey together or embrace and face self with self. It includes Let Spirit Reign for the EVERYDAY people (Parents), Gifts of Divinity (a Rite of Passage for the younger adult generation) and Let Spirit Reign (a child's guilding light, a peace (piece) of soul (soil) for our seeds

Let Spirit Reign: A Child's Guilding Light is coming soon...
Receive your Sacred Trinity... your Gifts of Divinity and Let Spirit Reign... EMAIL for your FREE guides!

A Prayerful and Meditative Spirit is what awaits Y.O.U. (your own uniqueness) and US (united spirits)
NaTuRe come to me.
Flow through me, Water, flow through me
NaTuRe reveal yourself in ALL things
Show me the BESt, Bast, the protective and flourishing innerG (energy) within.
MINEralS remember me
Bones remember me
The original me...
Shed light on the formation in me to remember my natural self, my NaTuRe, my NTR, my GOD, my Gifts of Divinity.
I desire and strongly seek to burn the bridges that do not lead me to my destiny.
I have a choice but I must choose wisely...
May the Fire within bring a tranforming innerG (energy) same as the Phoenix, the Bennu Bird.
Burn Bey Burn!
May the eARTh, the flesh of the world shape EVERYBODY's body as the clay fashioner, with a precise, passionate, perfect and powerful form to withstand ALL that stand in opposition.
Divine cosmic wheel and will of elements, I ask that you will continue to guide my mind, heart and steps in light with love through these divine elements of being: NaTuRe, Water, Mineral, Fire and Earth. I respect and honor your essence.
This is my prayer and I shall walk UPright while I meditate... 

Ase' (so be it)

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