Sunday, December 23, 2018

A Spiritual Omnipresence

Has anyone ever said to you, "You have the kind of spirit that is present in everything and everywhere?"

You have a spiritual omnipresence and it comes natural when you reach back to your natural ways of living and dying; rising and passing.

Spiritual Omnipresence, Oni Abeni says, is possessing a spiritual essence in all that you do. You approach and proceed with the essence of yOUR 
(Gifts Of Divinity)

Spiritual Omnipresence is the ability and focus to spiritually exist in all worlds, open to the ways of the world but not bonded or blinded to them. You are able (ability) to be elsewhere when needed and the focus to arrive there... You are present in all and thankful for all because you continue to do what is asked of you by NaTuRe regarding yOUR spiritual needs (healing, refreshing, and replenishing  NaTuRe with nature and its properties)

Here is an account of an essence or entity that is Spiritually Omnipresent...

As I entered the travel center station, there were Jehovah's Witnesses. My thoughts drew near my Grandmother immediately, who practiced the Faith of Jehovah Witnesses. With my Grandmother in heart and mind now, I signed for a few pamphlets or watchtowers. My Grandmother was a devout Witness. Neither here nor there, soon after, an older man approached me and asked me what religion was I. I said, I am no religion I live by the natural ways of Spirit; NaTuRe laws. I told him of my Grandmothers' religions, Jehovah Witness and Church of Christ. He said, oh cause you wrapped up. I said, I am one of peace. He said, he hadn't seen his Grandma since he was in the 6th grade. However, he had seen her when some men came into his home to rob him and he prayed or talked to his Grandma and she appeared. Another time, some men left him for dead, He said, his Grandmother appeared then as well. At that moment, the thought that came to me was in relation to the essence of GRANDMOTHERS being Spiritually Omnipresent.

Now some may disagree with Spiritual Omnipresence because in their minds it takes from their image of GOD. I remind them that I, too and Y.O.U. (Your Own Uniqueness) were made in his image and likeness. If GOD is omnipresent. Why would we not possess this quality in some form or fashion?

Since, there is no thing new under the sun, the essence of any entity is in some-womb (one) or thing else. 

So, in fact, we are Spiritually Omni'present', a Gift of Divinity!


  1. OMNIPRESENCE: Being at more than one place at the same time.
    Hmmmm that is an interesting topic for this week.
    Some may argue against it some may agree.
    Well let the reader use discernment!!!
    Is it possible to be at more than one place at a time. I say yes.
    If we think about how that can be possible. How am I here and there? Am I there mentally, physically, or spiritually? We take others with us all the time it doesn't mean that eye contact has to be made for a person to be there. Thoughts, memories, and emotions connect us to people at any given moment.
    A prayer can be heard no matter where we may be from the deepest part of the earth/sea to the highest mountain in the sky. If that's your faith then so be it. My father passed away and he is with me in my heart and my memories as well as his resting place. A higher source is capable of being anywhere to satisfy the needs of the billions of people on earth.
    We are who we are because HE is who HE is for everyone that BELIEVES in him which indeed is an Omni"PRESENT"
    Sincerely Mr. Anonymous AkA Author Unknown ^^

    1. POWERFUL Message... YES... it was meant to be A Spiritual OmniPRESENT moment in my spiritual journey, a GIFT Of DIVINITY to ALL from me... Oni Abeni. Whether or not that goal is reached, my intend was/is pure, purposeful, and peaceful. As far as this being my Faith... IN PART it is... we are in the image and likeness of GOD 'The Most High', therefore, this will be a part of my means to move mountains, thrive, etc. (as stated in the previous post 'Invest in Spirit') However, as a whole I invest in all spiritual realms, thus a Spiritual Omnipresence is in order. My Faith proceeds words... it is in the time before 'In the beginning' IT IS SPIRIT. Grateful of your thoughts and your comments Mr. Anonymous aka Author Unknown... Until we meet again... Divine Blessings

    2. As I travel the United States I see how the image of God or his likeness is manifested. A variety of colors and shapes are seen. This isn't inanimate objects but man/woman-kind. The different eyes, ears ,nose ,skin tones, walking stlye and languages all reflect his image. As we live our lives we must reexamine our paths and readjust ourselves if need be to reflect that image or likeness. But how ca we do that for we have never seen our Creator. We see our Creator with our Spiritual minds. We see the wonderful acts of the holy spirit. We see the connection between individuals who share that spirit. I've never seen my great grandfather but many say I ACT just like him and the flowing DNA and bloodlines allow that to happen. The Image or Likeness is acceptable because our Creator causes it to be so.
      I reiterate my last comment the Picture/Image we paint should be lovingly viewable and a grand REFLECTION of our Ancestors.
      Sincerely Author Unknown AkA Mr. Anonymous

    3. I need to address my deepest concern regarding my technical B.L.O.G. matter I see and assure you Mr. Anonymous and self styled 'No Name' that it was not my intent to delete any comments except my initial reply after noticing a typo. Unfortunately, I apparently and mistakenly deleted other comments including yours, 'No Name' and my other response. Excuse the mistake... THIS IS EVIDENCE OF AN ANALOG GYRL IN A DIGITAL WORLD (in the spirit and voice of lyrical, musical, and spiritual Erykah Badu) but I digress.

      On another note and forward movement, my condolences to you and your family for your Great Grandfather's passing. With all due respect, you have seen your creators. Our parents DNA is what makes or creates US (United Spirits) here on earth; especially, as it relates to features. In agreement with you, we DO see the connection between individuals who share that spirit and truth (or proof) of those that spirits that share a connection in their paths. We have the inner strength to be ALL WE CAN or NO THING AT ALL. Thus, the scripture, Philippians 4:13. In the image and likeness of G.O.D. we are Spiritually Omnipresent, however, when we become uncertain or afraid to actualize that power or purpose we subconsciously reach for an outside force not source to assume the position of our God-ship or stewardship rather. If we believe, trust or know the power or purpose of being in the image and likeness of G.O.D. we shall strive to reflect the Most High and seek the Most Highest of ourselves in Spirit and in (human)Kind, which is within our bloodlines as you stated as well. In agreement we you again, we shall adjust or readjust our spiritual minds to manifest a GRAND REFLECTION of our Ancestors (our GRANDmothers, GRANDfathers, great GRANDmothers and great GRANDfathers and further back). Peace and Gratitude to you for your constant and consistent thoughts and Spiritual Omnipresence. Your innerG(od) resonates highly with and to many I am certain... Until we meet again... Mr. Anonymous

    4. Oni Abeni, excuse the long absence there is no need to address your technical difficulties or misunderstandings. Analog Gyrls are hard to find... :) Self Styled??? I signed as No Name to focus on the message. I didn't think you wowild be so kind and attentive in your replies. I finally found the meaning of Oni Abeni and until I find a spiritual name to connect No Name is it. My common name is tied up in some noise but this B.L.O.G. brings me peace so I am following I am just in search of a spiritual name and some quiet time in my common name. Please do not think I do not appreciate all that you share and please do not take offense to me using No Name it is not to hide but it is to be discrete. Much Peace and Respect to you

    5. Give Thanks for your peaceful return, I thought I may have turned you away or offended you with my technical difficulties or analogness :) and Thanks for the compliment... very warm and loving of you... give moor thanks

      That is clear and understood on the name matters. If you need assisting in choosing a title or name in your case for your spiritual self you can email and we can settle upon it. If not, I can guide you to other spiritialists that can. In the past time, thank you for traveling this spiritual journey with me seen or unseen... Peace in Spirit, Love in Life
