Sunday, November 18, 2018

Let Spirit Reign

We are usually preoccupied with the mundane routine of our days or the spontaneous chaos of our days... EITHER WAY... WE SHAL.OM, be OPEN, and LET SPIRIT REIGN... We must find peace of mind, be open to the peace (pieces of our existence) we find and let our spirit reign... 

NOW, some may disagree and say what about the negative spirits because contrary to popular belief negative spirits are within US (United Spirits) as well and NO ONE is always POSITIVE. However, when you encounter a negative spirit you will know it by the way it feels... it will usually drain you, cause you to become irritated quicker (your patience is short), it will bring the worst or lower thoughts and actions out of you and it will become a voice of opposition, meaning nothing will be of benefit to or for you; you will think that you are the target of all thoughts and actions. This is the effects of the weaker or lesser (negative/opposing) spirits. LET this innerG pass... 

This spiritual innerG is not meant to be housed; it is meant to be felt, understood/innerstood/overstood and let go... This too shall pass... as our ancestors of certain religious faiths would say and this is TRUTH in SPIRIT... 

One fact we must begin to live with before we die is that our ancestors that were brought here and given the story of Christ still had remnants of their native land and that is what made the faith of Christianity as strong and as powerful as it was so we do not negate this past but we must innerstand/understand/overstand with maturity and growth the reason for that season of OURstory (History) and not forget the Kings and Queens that reigned spiritually prior to this breakdown (and those who were spoke highly of in the biblical scriptures) 

I am dark, but comely, O daughters of Jerusalem, like the tents of Kedar...
Do not gaze at me...
because the sun has scorched me.

The strength of Samson's hair is evidence of his KINGly GENEtics

...and his arms and his feet like in colour to polished brass is evidence of melanin presence

*This peace (piece) of the SPIRIT is not to belittle or take away from any spiritual matters (spiritual beings) of the 'biblical' stories. However, it is to uplift those melanated people who do not see themselves in these scriptures who think they are lesser or of lower value as it relates to spiritual growth. It is only to include all of US (United Spirits) in those ages.*

DO NOT NEGLECT the negative/opposing innerG, it is meant to be a LESSON so that you can reach your BLESSING. It will take time to master this innerG and become a ruler or sovereign over your feelings (emotions-energy in motion) and dominate and INpower yourSELF to be the BESt Y.O.U. (your own uniqueness)... Be Patient and Gentle with yourSELF!



  1. Identification of spirit is essential before one allows such to reign( rain) on/ over them. Quality of thought is so vital in determining what spirits are available to reign/rain on/ over US. With that being said protection of ones ear, eye, gates are the gateway for spirits to MANifest in our thoughts and actions however once one connected with purpose all that enters your gates will be that which is in accordance to your purpose which will peace of mind/mine which cannot be taken away. Lastly learning how to process perceived negative thoughts and conditions is the truest test of what spirit is reigning/raining in ones life great In formation for action peace

    1. Yes... one must know themselves spiritual and physically (even emotionally) before their spirit can reign IN and OUT. All that you have shared in your comment is Meter Neter (MTR NTR) Divine Speech and I am eternally grateful for your LIGHT and LOVE... It is most appreciated and of the Most HIGHEST innerG(od) we possess. MANY Thanks for Reigning on me... (and hopefully, many others who may read the B.L.O.G. privately/anonymously or publically/openly)

      Infinite Divinity
