Sunday, November 25, 2018

Affirm yOUR Spirit

Spiritual Affirmations are to align the spirit with its HIGHEST SELF. Spiritual affirmations are to remain positive or in a positive flow of a 'current' or vibration, frequency, or matter. 


'AFFIRMing yOUR SPIRIT' is a mantra in itself for this world and the people who are under the illusion that we are separate and equal. 

(In Sankrit, mantra translates as "free from the mind" or "free the mind." For this reason, mantras are used as resourceful repetitions that free the mind.)

We are not separate and we are not equal. We are truly one and we are divinely created equally in parts but as a whole we are different. Different, in the way we perceive the world after each complete being is made up or formed. Genetically, we become different.


'AFFIRMing yOUR SPIRIT' reminds us of this view and/or action and gives US (United Spirits) back (sankofa) the memory of yOUR SPIRITual connection.


"The man that knows something KNOWS that he knows no thing at all..."
~Erykah Badu

The SPIRIT is a terrible thing 'entity' to waste and affirmations are meaningful resources of a different kind of reSILiENCE that does just the opposite... 

How does the spirit reverse or transform negative thoughts into positive thoughts and/or affirmations?

  • Begin to JOURNAL and write down yOUR negative thoughts/innerGs OR if you receive negative thoughts often and are familiar with them you... WE... (remember we are not separate and all thoughts have a ripple effect... protect the world, people around and those who may surround you... AFFIRM yOUR SPIRIT... NOW!)
  • Sort the thoughts/innerGs to identify which is needing attention or HIGHER SPIRITUAL work
  • Journal or write an altered or reverse thought to counter-affirm the negative innerGs
  • Create your affirmation as it relates to the altered or reverse thought (by stating 'I am...' or 'I will')
AM relating to the present moment and a firm AFFIRMATION
WILL relating to the wheel of life (chakras) or prana (life force)
  • Repeat yOUR AFFIRMATION daily, three times (rising, mid-day and setting) for at least 9 minutes (9 is the highest number in the numerical system and serves as completion or peace) for 28 days  
28 days reflects the moon with it's phases included... The mind, body, soul, and SPIRIT are all connected and undergo phases that are similar to the moon as well. This confirms 28 as a reasonable number of times to program or reprogram the mind, body, soul or SPIRIT (in this process)

If yOUR SPIRIT chooses to vibrate HIGHER... YOU must allow yOUR mind and yOUR body to be one with yOUR SOUL and yOUR SPIRIT to reach its height in reclaiming and AFFIRMing yOUR SPIRIT of RIGHTeousness (positive) thoughts and innerGs 

We are what we eat and what we eat is We... We SHALL intake optimum edible solids and liquids for a HIGHER vibrations 


HIGHER Lyrical Vibrations can AFFIRM yOUR SPIRIT and has the same effect with maximum frequencies...

AFFIRMing yOUR SPIRIT takes time, genuine innerG, and SoulFULL efforts (inner-work)

Be patient and gentle but firm with yOURSELVES and yOUR AFFIRMATIONS

Ase' (so be it) a sense of confidence and completion

Sunday, November 18, 2018

Let Spirit Reign

We are usually preoccupied with the mundane routine of our days or the spontaneous chaos of our days... EITHER WAY... WE SHAL.OM, be OPEN, and LET SPIRIT REIGN... We must find peace of mind, be open to the peace (pieces of our existence) we find and let our spirit reign... 

NOW, some may disagree and say what about the negative spirits because contrary to popular belief negative spirits are within US (United Spirits) as well and NO ONE is always POSITIVE. However, when you encounter a negative spirit you will know it by the way it feels... it will usually drain you, cause you to become irritated quicker (your patience is short), it will bring the worst or lower thoughts and actions out of you and it will become a voice of opposition, meaning nothing will be of benefit to or for you; you will think that you are the target of all thoughts and actions. This is the effects of the weaker or lesser (negative/opposing) spirits. LET this innerG pass... 

This spiritual innerG is not meant to be housed; it is meant to be felt, understood/innerstood/overstood and let go... This too shall pass... as our ancestors of certain religious faiths would say and this is TRUTH in SPIRIT... 

One fact we must begin to live with before we die is that our ancestors that were brought here and given the story of Christ still had remnants of their native land and that is what made the faith of Christianity as strong and as powerful as it was so we do not negate this past but we must innerstand/understand/overstand with maturity and growth the reason for that season of OURstory (History) and not forget the Kings and Queens that reigned spiritually prior to this breakdown (and those who were spoke highly of in the biblical scriptures) 

I am dark, but comely, O daughters of Jerusalem, like the tents of Kedar...
Do not gaze at me...
because the sun has scorched me.

The strength of Samson's hair is evidence of his KINGly GENEtics

...and his arms and his feet like in colour to polished brass is evidence of melanin presence

*This peace (piece) of the SPIRIT is not to belittle or take away from any spiritual matters (spiritual beings) of the 'biblical' stories. However, it is to uplift those melanated people who do not see themselves in these scriptures who think they are lesser or of lower value as it relates to spiritual growth. It is only to include all of US (United Spirits) in those ages.*

DO NOT NEGLECT the negative/opposing innerG, it is meant to be a LESSON so that you can reach your BLESSING. It will take time to master this innerG and become a ruler or sovereign over your feelings (emotions-energy in motion) and dominate and INpower yourSELF to be the BESt Y.O.U. (your own uniqueness)... Be Patient and Gentle with yourSELF!


Sunday, November 11, 2018

ShalOM Inception

This moment is to spread PEACE and honor the Divine Soul in YOU.
This piece of LOVE, LIGHT, and GRATITUDE is to give wholesomely and holy (sacred) innerG to the being within... 
I ShalOM

As you pray, meditate, vision, or gather your thoughts be one in spirit, truth and PEACE... 

In the beginning was the word and the word was G.O.D. (Gifts of Divinity)

Our Gifts of Divinity give us inspiration.

Breathe in deeply... 
Peace and Gratitude 

Exhale slowly... 
Chaos and Ungrateful innerG
nine times to wholeheartedly receive the Gifts that will be offered to you at this moment and to peacefully give or pass the Gifts that you have to offer... 

Know DIVINITY and Be DIVINE infinite one

Behold, we asked for H.E.R. and we got H.E.R.  

~Oni Abeni

Related image

Sunday, November 4, 2018

The Spirit Center.... Centers the Spirit


There are MANY ways to CENTER THE SPIRIT and HERE I WILL share in ShalOM (peace)... SACRED SOUNDS (singing bowls, frequencies and the likes) and SPIRITUAL SYMBOLS (marks, relating to MANTRAS, signs or word that indicate, signify, or is understood as representing an idea, object, or relationship... ULTIMATELY with SELF) that signify the essence of the ULTIMATE REALITY and CONSCIOUSNESS and sometimes ConsciousMESS.