Sunday, February 24, 2019


The HEART and MIND had one moor in mine RICH SPIRIT

In Love and Honor of my ancestors who came from GoMillions... I found a RICH SPIRIT

The name may denote monies, funds, or cash but a DIVINE... RICH SPIRIT does not involve these matters...

It involves a currency (a flow) of LOVE, HONOR, and LOYALTY. 

It involves numbers but of QUALITY and QUANTITY... 

It involves a wealth of land, crops, and shares shared within its LINEage.

Despite, the fact of the PLANtation, in the name and HISstory... there was a wealth of people who traveled many RHODES (roads) to get to freedom and land (space and opportunity) to raise a LINEage of Teachers, Preachers and Healers.

Charlotte Rhodes

Healing ROOTS, GROUNDS and FOUNDATION of Seaton Dump where the Rhodes (roads) sowed and reaped a wealth of healthy seeds (ancestors and descendants)

Each and EVERY one possesses a RICH SPIRIT, however, we some times forget, doubt or fear the wealth our 'ancestral' spirits hold. 

As stated previously, this publication came to mine mind this GRAND RISING because I REMEMBER and so shall you...

The Leader awards and rewards a Leader! (February 2020)
The Key to a Rich Spirit is remembering who you came from!


The wealth our SPIRITS hold shall be carried with US (United Spirits) all... ALWAYS... in ALL WAYS...ALL THE TIME as stated in the prior publication... Ancestral Spirit!

As this month comes to an end and this B.L.O.G. comes to a moment of silence for other journeys... our RICH SPIRITS must continue to reign withIN and OUT. 

We shall not be moved, unless the movement is in LOVE and HONOR of our LINEage, Legacy or HERtiage... If we see cloudy days of doubt and fear... Lest we Forget the strength, unity, resilience, power and purpose we possess. 

We are destine to be GRAND, for our GRANDMothers, GRANDFathers, GREAT GRANDS and moor... made us (United Spirits) in that image and likeness as our G.O.D. (Gifts of Divinity) 

We may not see our RICH SPIRIT but those who are 'in spirit', rooted and grounded in SPIRITUAL matter (flesh) sees ALL in its most wealthest state; recognizes and respects such LINEages of GRANDEUR... 

Sunday, February 17, 2019

Ancestral Spirit

Ancestral Greetings

As the spirit guides guide US (United Spirits) through such a HISTORIC, LOVING and MEMORABLE moment in TIME and SPIRIT it is PEACEFUL in my 'spirit' self to realize the disconnection in such a POWERFUL connection.

This publication is to conclude and continue a legacy of ANCESTRAL SPIRIT GUIDANCE in the SPIRIT 
of US (United Spirits) all....

This last but everlasting publication is evidence of an existence and experience of and in the ANCESTRAL SPIRIT... it is not to stir up the same anger and hatred of the past but the strength and love of the people who endured the past, boldly and beautifully made it to the present and seek to perfect the future.

However, in mine eye, it is arrogant and selfish to give a people a month of appreciation and celebration while appreciating and celebrating people who oppressed and depressed a people through manipulation, annihilation, and humiliation.

As I remind mine eye of the holy days of this month due to its observance of HISTORY (holidays to some) I find it extremely disconnecting but powerfully connected in a such a way that unites those of a HIGHER Spiritual PURPOSE, POWER, and PEACE...

Look at it... (in the observance and voice of the Honorable Khalid Muhummad) this month observes the presence of Africans in America, a day seemingly to appreciate those you LOVE, and President's day (in observance of G. Washington's Birthday).

Now, the Africans in America (not the Natives or People of dominant Melanin traits that were already occupying this land) are 'provided' time and space to remember, appreciate and celebrate HIS-STORY  in the Americas or their seemingly and outwardly progress in the Americas...



Then, the antics of Romans and earlier periods are recognized for their festive times in the guise of Valentine's Day.

However, according to the researchers of NPR, the origins of this festival of candy and cupids are actually dark, bloody and a bit muddled. Though no one has pinpointed the exact origin of the holiday, one good place to start is ancient Rome, where men hit on women by, well, hitting them. 
From Feb. 13 to 15, the Romans celebrated the feast of Lupercalia. The men sacrificed a goat and a dog, then whipped women with the hides of the animals they had just slain. The Roman romantics "were drunk. They were naked," says Noel Lenski, a historian at the University of Colorado at Boulder. Young women would actually line up for the men to hit them, Lenski says. They believed this would make them fertile. The brutal fete included a matchmaking lottery, in which young men drew the names of women from a jar. The couple would then be coupled up for the duration of the festival or longer, if the match was right. 
The ancient Romans may also be responsible for the name of our modern day of love. Emperor Claudius II executed two men (both named Valentine) on Feb. 14 of different years in the 3rd century A.D. Their martyrdom was honored by the Catholic Church with the celebration of St. Valentine's Day. 
Later, Pope Gelasius I muddled things in the 5th century by combining St. Valentine's Day with Lupercalia to expel the pagan rituals. But the festival was more of a theatrical interpretation of what it had once been. Lenski adds, "It was a little more of a drunken revel, but the Christians put clothes back on it. That didn't stop it from being a day of fertility and love." Around the same time, the Normans celebrated Galatin's Day. Galatin meant "lover of women." That was likely confused with St. Valentine's Day at some point, in part because they sound alike. As the years went on, the holiday grew sweeter. 
Chaucer and Shakespeare romanticized it in their work, and it gained popularity throughout Britain and the rest of Europe. Handmade paper cards became the tokens-du-jour in the Middle Ages. 
Eventually, the tradition made its way to the New World. The industrial revolution ushered in factory-made cards in the 19th century. And in 1913, Hallmark Cards of Kansas City, Missouri, began mass producing valentines. 
February has not been the same since.
Today, the holiday is big business: According to market research firm IBIS World, Valentine's Day sales reached $17.6 billion last year; this year's sales are expected to total $18.6 billion. 
But that commercialization has spoiled the day for many. 
Helen Fisher, a sociologist at Rutgers University, says we have only ourselves to blame. "This isn't a command performance," she says. "If people didn't want to buy Hallmark cards, they would not be bought, and Hallmark would go out of business. And so the celebration of Valentine's Day goes on, in varied ways. Many will break the bank buying jewelry and flowers for their beloveds. Others will celebrate in a SAD (that's Single Awareness Day) way, dining alone and binging on self-gifted chocolates. A few may even be spending this day the same way the early Romans did. 
But let's not go there.





Last, the political officials thought in the shortest month where they chose to give Africans in America pride (and prejudice) and a day that clouds the month with seemingly and outwardly love, that another day of recognition outside of the realms of the full month observance of Africans in America was in their right (and it was) but in all fairness and justice it was not right to those who recognize the Ancestral Spirit of Africans EVERYWHERE... EVERY DAY!

To move forward, in this apparent disconnection there is a POWERFUL connection that shall not stir up anger and hatred but STRENGTH and LOVE if you are in honor and order of a HIGHER SPIRITUAL PURPOSE, POWER and PEACE.

Subconsciously, this is effecting our spirit, however, consciously we have the SPIRIT... RIGHT, POWER and ABILITY to determine how we shall protect, honor, and observe the cause of the calls of our spirit during such a sensitive but strengthen observance. 

We shall reprogram our minds to appreciate and celebrate ALL that we are in ALL WAYS, ALWAYS and ALL THE TIME... 

We shall consciously create LOVE and become the HEAD (President) of our HOUSE (mind, body, soul, and spirit), our existence and experience in the Americas as Ancestral Spirits on an EARTHLY realm or plane(t).


Sunday, February 10, 2019

Spaced OUT Spirit

As spiritual beings we are aware that we are literally in space and with this understanding we must admit that what happens in space effects us as earthly beings, NATURALLY!

Since, Earth is a planet that rotates in space. Again, it is only natural that what happens or occur in space effects us (United Spirits) as well. However, it does not effects us (United Spirits) the same. There is energy in motion, EMOTIONS, that are effected by space and time as well. We as spiritual beings shall be fully aware of how this changes our states of being. 

With all due respect, whichever or whatever church, mosque, temple, synagogue, or the likes you may attend neither can neglect the obvious that we are in some form if not all effected by space and time. 

Consequently, these thoughts led to the spirit of this day, this moment, this time in space.

Spaced            OUT                   Spirit

To some, this may be similar to the publication, 'A Spiritual Omnipresence' in some ways and different in other ways. Hopefully, all of US (United Spirits) including my 'spirit' self will see the relation and reflections in it all as it unfolds before my eyes and through my spirit from a divine place within. 

A Spaced OUT Spirit honors an expanded mind that seeks to express itself in time through Spirit. 

A Spaced OUT Spirit understands the energy surrounding its journey

We recently had a new moon in Aquarius. The new moon in Aquarius was a time for you to protect your 'spirit' self and know the difference between those who seek to drain your energy and those who seek to maintain your innerG(od) being. 

This space in time also reminded my 'spirit' self of the scripture Luke 22, where the plot against Jesus is given and in the 10 verse it refers to a man bearing a pitcher of water and to follow him into the house where he entereth in. Then, I remembered the series of zeitgeist documentaries where one of the researchers stated that this scripture was referring to the age of Aquarius, which is the house that follows the Pisces (fish), an astrological sign and symbol that has been known to represent Jesus, or those who follow Christianity and/or refer to themselves as Christians. 

Soon after, I began to spread my spirit and become spaced OUT piecing together what this revelation meant and how it relates or effects US (United Spirits) THEN and NOW.

Zeitgeist is the defining spirit or mood of a particular period of history as shown by the ideas and beliefs of the time, which is derives from the German language. Zeit meaning time and Geist meaning spirit... The documentary was MAINTAINING to some and DRAINING to others who refer to themselves as Christians... You needed to know the difference and how it effects your 'spirit' self.

Luke 22, the plot against Jesus and the last Supper was the beginning of the end of the age of Pisces or Christ in some form and the initial signs of betrayal and deceit... 
This incident could have been DRAINING in some ways and MAINTAINING in other ways to those who like Jesus knew what was happening or occurring and starting preparing himself and those around him.

A Spaced OUT Spirit knows when things are starting to close in on it. A Spaced OUT Spirit knows when it is time to expand its energy and get in motion (movement) as well.

The Zeitgeist documentary brought about a change in the minds of some as things started to close in on the beliefs that were many people's reality for so long. 

With all due respect, this is not to state those beliefs are wrong or right. This is only to voice the essence or energy of a Spaced OUT Spirit, which is a statement marked here to relate to the Spirit of those who are boundless and not limited by coincidences but fully aware of the connection we all have to each other in space and time that are miscalled coincidences.

As we return to the Zeitgeist documentaries and Luke, chapter 22, we see that THEN, at this point in the story a change was coming but Jesus, a man that represented supreme man kind was fully aware of the time and was preparing his followers for what was to come or be. 
NOW, Zeitgeist documentary did the same in a whole another form, where those who represented supreme thought and action were made to prepare themselves and others for the expansion of their minds and consequently their actions.

A Spaced OUT Spirit is aware of its surroundings and findings (truth or lies) but not afraid of its surroundings and findings (truth or lies)

 A Spaced OUT Spirit gives the mind, body and soul a place to be free from draining energy to maintain the innerG(od) needed to know the difference in spirits.

When you find yourself in need of a mental break... Space OUT!

When you find yourself stressed... Space OUT!

When you find yourself in betrayal or deceit... Space OUT!

When you find yourself in denial... Space OUT!

When you seem lost and can't find your inner peace... Space OUT!

How do you Space OUT?
Close your eyes and realize how much space is truly around you and how much you truly occupy in that space and how that effects you...

Some may be humble with the thought and some may be in their ego with the thought.

Deep breathing.... will humble the ego

Think about how big this universe is and if you need to think smaller to humble your 'spirit' self, think how many continents we have and how much space they occupy and where you are in relation to that space...

Mindful Meditation
Transcendental Meditation
Guided Meditation
Vipassana Meditation
Metta Meditation
Chakra Meditation
Yoga Meditation
ZaZen (Zen) Meditation
Qigong Meditation
Buddhist Meditation

are all forms of Meditation that will Space the Spirit OUT to be withIN!

A Spaced OUT Spirit is not a wanderer it is a spirit that is truly aware of space and time as well as how it effects the spirit as it travels lightly in love of self and kind.

My 'spirit' self do see the relation and reflection...


Sunday, February 3, 2019

Spirit Conscious



In general, Spirit is defined as the nonphysical part of a person which is a seat of emotions and character


Those qualities regarded as forming the definitive or typical elements in the character of a person, nation, or group or in thought and attitudes of a particular period.

Conscious is defined as being aware of and responding to one's surroundings; awake; responsive; having knowledge of something.

A Spirit Conscious is not necessarily being physic, however, it is a deep and rooted connection with and response to the people, places, and things around you... SPACE!

These entities occupy space (and time) but in relation to the 'matter' at this time, SPACE, in general is where these entities FACTUALLY and ACTUALLY dwell which is what we must take FULL and COMPLETE note(s) of to have a deeper and clearer understanding to be....

A universal language that helps keep this Spirit Conscious pure and strong is LOVE!

Love has a frequency and a vibration higher than none other. It allows the Spirit and Body to operate as one complete thought and movement. 

Love is emotions and character! When you love someone, you feel them; when you love a place you seek to dwell it; when you love some thing, you feel it. 

In that love you find your true self, your standards, your power, your purpose, your innerG; your attributes

Spirit Conscious is....

What is the DIVINE?
It is a space in time that transcends ALL but conscious or aware of ALL with the BESt regards of the MOST HIGHEST pieces (peaces) of SELF.

It takes space in time (and time) to reach a level, frequency, vibration, height, etc. to be DIVINE. It takes the awareness of the BESt of ALL including Y.O.U. (Your Own Uniqueness)
to manifest or femmifest the HIGHEST pieces (peaces) of SELF.

When I state TAKES, it is used literally and figuratively. Spirit Conscious is DIVINE and it takes you away from those entities (physical or mental) in this 'matter' that does not reflect the MOST HIGHEST thoughts and actions of SELF and MIND...

NOW, some may still think of Spirit Conscious as having physic abilities and though it may sound SPOOKY or SCARY it is closest to the truth...

We don't realize how much we feel, which is connected to emotions (which relates to the essence of SPIRIT defined). Again, we DO NOT realize how much we feel until we slow down, calm down, sit down, or stand UP, and 

Ever physical entity is a CRYSTAL!

Our connection is deeper than we realize, which means our Spirit Conscious is deeper and wider than we can imagine as well. 

However, we have the abilities to reach a surface to face our deepest selves if we open our minds to some thing moor than ourselves. 

If we begin to notice the way a tree blows in the wind, changes in and over time, and how it simply provides wisdom in its foundation. If we notice how animals begin to appear or act as the seasons change, or even, how our youth (children) begin to act at certain times of year as well. If we notice how people, places, and things become irrelevant and relevant simultaneously...

Then, we would have begun to at least acknowledge SPIRIT and become moor CONSCIOUS! 

THIS is... Spirit Conscious 

This understanding is MOST Spirit Conscious. 

The FACTUAL and ACTUAL thought is the essence of our being which is SPIRIT and the awareness of such statement bring us closer to our G.O.D. (Gifts of Divinity) Conscious, that is within. 

When we are completely and fully in the image and likeness of such statement we are completely and fully in the image and likeness of God. 

NOW, some or many may disagree with this image but it as well is Spirit Conscious and in the image and likeness of God.

When you have ONE aim or MISSION, that is oneness. It is not meant to state we are ONE... Scientifically speaking, FACTUALLY and ACTUALLY, it is apparent that we are not ONE.
We are many have an ONE experience, which is LIFE or an EARTHLY experience. 
There is a difference!
We all experience familiar or similar events but we do not plan, proceed, or conclude each event the same way or in the same manner.

Our church is NaTuRe, in its simplest form. The bible and other religious texts state the body is the temple and the temple is in some form a church and we are made up of the elements in NaTuRe (fire, water, air, and earth).
There is a connection if we allow our minds to expand and free form.

Empathy is the emotion (energy in motion) for others and it shows your BESt character. Empathy gives you strength and power to move for people, places and things.
For examples, defending someone, hugging someone, praying for someone, protecting someone from harm or hurt; entering a place with respect and honor, exploring a place with interest and inspiration; protesting, protecting and projecting a place's value or worth; holding onto some thing for ages to archive its purpose, value or worth, keeping some thing safe and secure from environmental changes or general damage.

Practicing RESPECT, gives a person, place, or thing (animals included) back their value and worth as well. Practicing RESPECT, honors the G.O.D. in ALL without judgement but with favor.

Loving or appreciating ALL religions brings peace on EARTH. If there is one word of God why are we separate. It seems, we have been wrongly dividing the word of God into SECTionS.  
We may need to return to the WORD not the SECTionS, the BUILDINGS, the MAN or WOMAN (since, some religions allow women to preach as well)

Reality shall be based on TRUTH, if it is not TRUTH it is LIE, which includes white lies, little lies, half truths, or contradictions, etc. We need the TRUTH, the WHOLE TRUTH and NO THING but the TRUTH to help Y.O.U. God or Goddess (within)
We need healing from the mental shackles of ignorance. We need to be concealed from LIES and healed with TRUTHS to be Spirit Conscious.